Download TheGreenBow VPN Client 6.64.003 Latest Update

Table des matières

Free download TheGreenbow VPN Client 6 for Windows It allows employees to work from home or on the road, and IT managers to connect in remote sharing the worktop to the corporate infrastructure. The VPN client offers a set of functions from simple authentication by simply entering to advanced PKI integration capabilities. Advantages

Multiple sessions for sharing a remote desktop can be configured in the « Remote Sharing » tab. This feature allows the user to share their machine on the corporate network from a remote location like Home. When the user clicks on one of the remote desktop sharing session, the connected VPN tunnel automatically opens and a remote desktop session is launched to reach the remote machine.

thegreenbow VPN client brings the ability to provide VPN configurations and VPN power items (for example from a computer. Scripts can be configured in the « scripts » tab. This section can be found on a phase settings.

This feature allows you to perform scripts (batches, scripts, applications …) at every step of a tunnel connection for various purposes, e.g. Is Set.

overview of thegreenbow vpn client 6 features

    • deploy configuration of multiple vpn tunnels with a mix of ipnot
    • IKEV1 Or IKEV2
    • Deploy a VPN in IPV4 and IPV6 heterogeneous network at the same time
    • Available in 25 languages, including Russian, Chinese, Hindi, Farsi and more.
    • it also allows to configure different network configurations before, during and after tunnel connections.
      • maintained OS: Windows
      • processor: Pentium IV or higher
      • RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
      • free hard disk space: 200 MB or more

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